Hi, I'm Jen.
I'm a full stack web developer.
Tell Me More


Brand new to the field but currently speeding my way through a bootcamp, so here's what I have so far...


Mid-level knowledge of the structure and aesthetics of web pages.


Basic skills right now, it's only up from here!

Database & SQL

Experience with the build out of schema and database technologies.


Introductory foundational skills.


Introductory foundational skills.


Currently a work in progress...

Hotel Menu Submissions

Website Design

Magic the Gathering

Website Design

Pizza Menu

Website Design


Website Design

Space Station

Website Design

Login Page

Website Design


Having worked in the photography industry for the past ten years I decided that it was time to learn a new skillset and try my hand at the software development world. I have always loved to problem-solve, am constantly researching and learning new things, and because of my noteworthy googling skills I have even been dubbed "Detective Jen" by those who know me best. Currently residing in the beautiful city of Portland, OR and moving to the Salt Lake City, UT area by the end of the year, I am open to most any and all opportunities! Let's work together. ☺

Get In Touch

Enough about me, let's talk about you!